Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Year of life... Au revoir 2013 :) :) :)

Dedicated to all who travelled with me in this beautiful year....Specially for my pals at IIT who made this year for me...!!!

All of us today in this  busy schedule,will definitely love and miss school life….It's not the exciting colorful science books or  pages full of years and names - The History book  or The lifelong struggle to search the value of "x"  in Mathematics that we miss and love….!!! Its not any of these that give pleasure. But when we turn back  and look into those school days only few things brush  and flash into our  memories and give nostalgic moments…

 In childhood, few things like the friendship with no 'terms and conditions'  gave lot of stupid memories to cherish , that unconditional love we had for each other, eagerly waiting for a friend’s birthday just to wish him or her with a 'happy birthday song' or a 'handmade greeting card' and had no expensive gifts, the punishment given for the whole class by our favorite teacher, The unexpected love from a strict teacher on one fine day , group punishments and terrifying exam results and what not….!!! These things remain so lovely even today  and many forget to cherish them because today our lives have become monotonous and a "busy" one….

This year was just like running back to those days of my schooling…!! But phew!!…the syllabus was pretty tough and challenging….” When the going gets tough, the tough get going". :) The learning in this school  never went in vain just like my other certificated education….It is far worth than a degree from even Oxford/ Harvard University..Because it was not just a B-School for  MBA or a tech school for  M.Tech, but it was 'The School of Life'.

This year was the mentor for my life…!!! Yeah , ofcourse IIT life was similar to gurukul….I remember the blog post which I wrote during my entry into IIT….More than a Masters  in Construction,  I guess at the end of this journey IIT will help me a dual degree Masters...The Masters for my own life too.....”That’s true now….What not at IIT???  One can learn everything about life.

Life turned very interesting for me in IIT in all means….!! I got a second chance to get back my childhood these days....I rarely missed my home and slowly started to love my stay at this beautiful campus. Different types of people,  with different ideologies, little compromises, respecting  one’s emotions , understanding one’s world and the path they have walked through etc etc…..

Few close pals….Long list of hi-bye friendships, little brotherhood, few people as mirage, Fun loving and caring people all around….It takes one year to know the meaning and the power of the word ‘Trust’. A sample trailer of the world full of differences, love,care and few other sides like
drama and fake people sometimes gave a better understanding about the world eagerly waiting outside. Going near to a lion and expecting it to be kind  and lick you with love  is similar to experiencing a life with challenges. Fight and grab what you want is the slogan for life and ofcourse this year made me ready for that.

My previous years just rolled down with numbers, few alphabets like S and A – the ‘so’ called grades and with percentages. I found all these days my heart and brain were so much synchronized that I couldn’t really follow my heart. But this natural environment, the love with solitude, the my little life in other’s life , the little time I spent to make people happy and protect them was a new discovery of mine!!! Eureka….!!! I jumped around the cushion of my soft part of the heart seeing it after a long time …getting back to the life of a child….

But not all inventions and discoveries really work the way we want…!! My discovery was similar to the Nuclear Energy….!! Can be harnessed to  power up people as well as can drain out my own power in just one blast….In short , this year was the one that helped me to understand who I am and what makes my life and what really has to be chiseled off for a better life.

Infact in this magnanimous gurukul , my teachers were Nature and  the people whom I met and ofcourse my close pals at IIT… People from various places….and various states came under single roof with all fun , love and care I was surprised how things were different…and how human minds and hearts were unique …!!

Some days taught me how  life can  be really beautiful even in hard times, Some days  taught me how  life can  be really easy and carefree , Some days  taught me how  responsibility in a measured level , keep you move towards the goal, Some days taught me less words can have more emotions, Some days taught , "why not ??? Be patient" …., Some days taught "Why NOT to be patient" !!Thunder, lighting and heavy rain were once terrifying for me, later they turned to be nostalgic…Few days helped me to discover the kid inside me….Few days helped me to know why people have to be really matured.. and among all this, bringing back the old beautiful memories back to this campus was even  more lovely in this lovable campus…
My Pals at IIT :) 

In this way , days and people molded  me in all ways and means…. Laughter and Fun at peaks , love with solitude, Flirt with music, Romance with nature, Silent language with deer, Work at peace, Midnight classes, International presentations, Birthday celebrations, Tears in regret, Fights- A lesson for patience, Moon beside the window, Long walks with thoughts and lovely IIT saga continued and now gonna draw down the curtains  in next few months with all beautiful memories in heart.

I will definitely miss all beautiful, stupid, funny and lovely moments in this campus....Numbers like C-2-3, 137, 354 made my life awesome during these days here...!! Sure a new post will come up to give a farewell to the memories at IIT in the second half of this new year and  to wave  adieu to the lovely life that  I was blessed with ,in this beautiful campus....!!!!

 I was not a single day 'single' in IIT....I had beautiful love with MUSIC.... :) :) I  changed my solitude to romantic time with my own playlist...and sometimes I even created my own albums.....!! I gave life to my music interest and created few of my own and they always keep my own world mellifluous till date.....Thanks to my love...!!! Music helped me to be on the notes which in turn  synchronised me  with the rhythm of  my life...!!! ;)

With lots of hope, and carrying over all lessons of life to this fresh year I am stepping  into the new world…. .I was blessed with 2013- I would call this year “THE MENTOR OF LIFE”  leaves me just like a mother bird that pushed  me , the  little one  from heights  just to make me  fly higher  and better…It has taught me everything in the best way to face the world .I believe 2014 would be helping me to create opportunities rather to wait for them…...I wish it holds the same for everyone who traveled with me during this beautiful YEAR OF LIFE 2013

I believe 2014 would be more colorful for all of us...A bridge between the dreams and the destiny for all of us......Have to take leaps and am sure that path would be lovely and more beautiful ......


Saturday, June 29, 2013

In love with solitude...

First time..From the day I took the tender breath… have never perceived this unique music of silence..And the resourcefulness of nature…

The world entitles this as alienated….or lonely…  My heart names these moments as delightful and blissful…. The world of your own..Makes you undergo a feel….. Living on a creative world….where you look yourself as  a creator..The GOD…in fact…..that was the moment I felt God is everywhere within everyone…

I remembered how I ran around the world…..literally blindfolded in search of something every time….Life is too short to think too much….Hate people….Think about the past..

Every day we go to bed after enjoying the soft breeze caressing the soft eyelid waiting to rest the black pearl inside…. Thoughts come into mind…when we stare the black blanket….up above us through the window beside me….Something right far away from me a cute blink….brightly…giving hope as a silver line..

Nature had been always a source of love….or lovely words for the people who FALL in love…or who portray love with their beautiful and attractive words….Yes….I was not an exception….I fell in love with myself and my creative world.. 

Wherever I go….Living in solitude made me feel that all other…. so called people…were just little toys keyed by their thoughts….Toys are to make our life beautiful and happier….And that made my life more beautiful and adorable….Fortunately...My world was barbie world....some were avengers...and some were tom and jerry...

Cuckoos became my early morning alarm….Monkeys family talk indicated my time to take breakfast… Bright sunrays penetrating right on to the stick notes onto my walls shows me the agenda of the day..

Evening breeze dragged ma legs for a long walk that never failed to give me a feel of serenity on a long lonely road….with green lush of plants and bushes…..and a  deer peeping out from the little forest…

The blushing face of the bride…The universal beauty....Moon....indicates my time to fall in love with ma bed right beside ma window where I can stare at the little white face and  feel how will I look when I blush after few years…

With all these thoughts…..To be in an isolated island …Undiscovered by man…. a blend with nature…A bed of thornless blood red roses... (Thanks to the recent discovery!!! )  decorated  by lush green well-refined grass…. 

Purple colored sky with milky stars blinking at my pellucid eyes… Shooting stars moving here and there…sparkling cold glitters of dew drops on ma rose bed…The aroma of the earth….filling up my air and makes every breath of mine a cool and calm one… and one beautiful butterfly that waves its wings according to the rhythm of ma breath…My ears being soothed with an unheard melody that was heard long before during a blissful dream dreamt earlier…My entire soul feels the lightness in the living….And is this called the eternal happiness of humanbeing...…???!!!!! Isnt is a lovely feeling... :) 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Goodbye letter to the daughter of time...

  At the time of your birth, I know, u were treated like a girl child born in our society..You escaped from the female infanticide as u were the child of time. You made man realize that time is the only thing that he cannot control..Thanks to the inability of technology…. 2012…u were welcomed with a fear that u may be the last child of mother time ,as if this world is going to send u back with no wounds and regrets!!! …

Thank the Mayans …They gave you the chance to see how man would treat you if u would have been the last child..!!!!

I know u would have seen few great moments in your life and lots of dark pages of future history of our nation as well as our world.. I don’t know how much u suffered in the hands of the children of mother Earth… Known for her patience, she herself was tempted by her own children to fire out her anger in all possible natural calamities (Sandy, Neelam are no exceptions!! ) …What would u poor daughter of time do…!!! U remained silent filling up your pages of diary..

              To me personally, you were a glass of fresh fruit juice served for a person who lost himself in Sahara desert. You gave me the brightest path for my life.. You showed me the motherliness which none of your father, grandfather nor your forefathers had…

 Desktop Backgrounds · Wallpaper PC · Holiday 
 Mother s Day                                   You opened all windows of my small world and made me look out..The brightness of the external world disturbed my eyesight at times…But u patted me saying “This is your right time to step out and know your world” just like a mother bird pushes its small ones to make them learn flying. Though initially I trembled,  I started following your path blindly believing the fact that the daughter of time would never let me down..I know …U test me before u teach me a lesson..…I started  flying…..

Time came when the door of my destiny was opened again by you through a golden key…I know… I am still flying…The confidence that you gave me makes me fly higher and higher…As long as you were with me….It would have been my illusion…..But I strongly believed that the world was safe and no records were written on your diary with the blood of the children of mother earth… Few were written…I know…But it did not tear your pages…as it happened to your forefathers…You managed well just like a women manages her family, career ….multitasking indeed!! Congrats..…
                I didn’t want  to let you go…Even the world didn’t want to…But as I said….Your mother..TIME…is the only brave woman who can escape from the children of mother earth ( !!???) They are no more children….Even she felt that her daughter 2012 is not safe to be here on earth….And so she is taking you back….!!!!!!!

I know your mother is not irresponsible….and she will replace you with a new son/daughter…God knows….Thank god…She cannot be scanned to know that…Again thanks to the inability of technology….

Red carpet welcome to the new child 2013

Your replacement can be a better one…But how will I fly high without you as u were the one who took me greater heights…!! I know..You may handover few of your responsibilities to the upcoming new child of mother time in the preface of its diary….And I know you will always have a special phrase and request to ur sibling to hold my hands to further heights…But still will miss u… Neither man nor you, can control each other…!!!!!!!! This is the magic of human life on Earth… 

Welcoming your sibling to this world..Expecting your sibling to be a Universal reformer and bring about the real sunrise for the universe as well as to take me to the other side of my golden doors of my destiny started by you….Hope the new one has golden pages of history.....Cheers to the new birth…!!!!!

 Wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR…. 

WELCOME 2013.............:) :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

IIT gave birth to version 2.0

7 became my interesting number in those few days of my benchmark days of my memories....I knew....These days I am enjoying are not gonna be as I am experiencing now...Being in the palms and care of my parents and my city...all these 20 years...My mind and heart was just gazing around with a weird thought all the time...

My mind still wonders how my words came true just like that as I uttered  them....I was just kidding with my mom and dad...."Just watch and see....I will be out of the home well before July 2012 and that would be my deadline for my next step of my life"....And so it happened my admission on July 25th and my first official day on July 30th.... Ahh....... Can that be expressed in just words....

With few days in hand....I felt like as if a girl is getting ready to go to in-law's home ;) Check lists, Packing  big big suitcases, luggage  new stuffs...and what not...Getting ready for a hostel life is not such an easy job... At that time I felt why can man construct a portable HOME...(Not a house...! ) rather that shifting things abruptly....

First time I felt that every room at my home had so much messages to convey to me.....My television told in my living room said... " U are leaving without using me effectively till the end...!" My kitchen had the hidden tears of my mother....My pooja room...had so much of  send off blessings....I could feel all these all around the walls of my home....

Carrying all these thoughts ....I stepped into my new world which invited me with lot of syllabi...Not technical...But syllabus of life... :) :)

I just didn't see the new world around me alone..I had a chance to see a new world that my mom and dad had within them....I don't want to see the same in them again like that in my life time...I still remember the place at GC where I said a painful bye to my mom and dad.....

First time I felt I won’t get those days where things were done for me well before I needed them, the care and shoulders that were making me strong...and what else...I felt as if I was the only person living on this earth....

It was just few days before, 7 was an interesting number...But whiling away those first 7 days at the campus was.....Hmmm,....The green trees appeared to be like withered trees....Green forest made me feel like as I was in a haunted place... The ornamental horns of deer appeared to be weapons to kill people....and what not...!!!!! These things just made me drag my foot behind the step I took...This all happened for no reason...

Then started a different phase of this haunted life....My new hostel...which was right all along with family, kids, grannys and grandpas.....and made me feel at home....I felt now everything started to fall on place...

Few things that made me feel better..... was the welcome party given by our seniors.......!!!!!! Ooops....Party???? Oh.....Can this happen in my life???? With all these I started experiencing that new episode.....My first trip with not much familiar classmates (Infact deftly not now..... :) :) ) My first anonymous group work for funny activities...My first dance (!!) ....But it was a great and well planned entertainment at the ECR road that made our class feel easy in next few days in getting to know people....

Next.....People were chasing me with the word change.....I never wanted them to give them a chan(g)ce... :P :P But things happened just like that....It was a cold war between individualism Vs Team.......My determination.....reached its hardest core path test......Had weird experience of coming late to class with no reason....Coming late to class with no reason was really a new experience filled with thrill.... :P :P 

Then just days rolled on ......IIT- ians to a temple was seriously a thing  something like Tamil Nadu having surplus of power to my perception....!!!! A trip to Parthasarathy temple with my friends always takes the place of  first best moments of my IIT life.....How can I not thank my good friends who made it possible.... :) :) 

Yes in fact IIT gave me a clear definition of so many words that I just gazed through in my life in newspapers and big screens...It gave me all feel like laughter, friendship, cry, decision making, people handling, fear, thrillzz, risks, and what not...!!!! I seriously dont know in what idea Chetan told "What not to do at IIT??? ". Its true.... But for me....."Who else can be a better mentor that IIT in one's life?".... If 4 months stay here can teach me this much .....Then how much should I blog at the end of my 4 semesters???? :P :P 

More than a Master in Construction,  I guess at the end of this journey IIT will help me a dual degreeMasters...Masters  my own life.....I know....I am bunking few classes of MY LIFE  here at IIT...But hope it will be compensated soon...:) :) :) 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

My eye saw "I"

The road was going on and on...Just like a long highway travel. Same toll gates, same rushing vehicles on the track travelling along with me on the same lane...Some were rushing...Some were lagging long back the lane.. Was badly bored of all these stuffs and wanted a change over on my travel. In long run my eyes saw a deep green road which disturbed my travel and so went along as my mind said....

           The road was a bit tough to proceed further and sometimes made me feel bad whether I have dared to take a broad leap.With lot of determination , finally stepped into a grassland which was a new world that made me forget the highways and the tiresome journey which was all along.

Finally reaching my new world, stepping into IIT it took some time to understand where I am and how to mold myself to be the survival of the fittest. Taking time for that I was wandering all along with the herd of deer with lots of thoughts all around.There came the opportunity to relax and spend time on myself.

Among the hectic classroom schedules at IIT, where prof enters the class with a plan of activities for the day, it made us enthusiastic to see the prof who was well present in the class  before the students and welcomed  with a warm and bright smile.

The disclaimers were the ultimate for the entire course that in fact attracted  everyone towards this course!!!! I even used to wonder how management people alone are able to use disclaimers as  strategies!!!! Hmmmm..this was my first learning from this course indeed...!!!

Then days rolled on with the same enthu from the prof always , at times missing from the students....No doubt the criminal was the sun on the top of our heads....!!!!! :P

Giving a brief idea on life skills and attitude..The days rolled on with so much of learning.... In fact our class was just seen as stars on sky scattered all over.But this course made us first time to feel the galaxy of  our department. People came to know each other better and the credit of bringing 8 states  under the single roof of learning and enjoyment. This course taught us life lessons and along with that how much a prof can be friendly with students and get a special place in their hearts. In fact it was a learning on learning .....which will go all along in all our lives.....

Sunday, February 19, 2012


On stepping into the world, a child perceives its complete world through the eyes of its mother. From that split second, the child considers that everything dwells with its mother. As days roll on, the baby will recognize that its world is being communal by yet another soul in the name of a sibling. From that moment it starts understanding that at any moment its world can be shared by anyone and starts apprehending the reality. But in the same case when a child cannot see a share of its life with anyone for more than 20 years it would be like a renaissance every time it realizes a share in its property. 

Especially when a girl child enters into the family as the first and the only child it is an unbreakable truth that even the world sometimes fails to understand the bitter truth of her life. From the day one, never mind how the world sees her, but she will be the little princess and she will craft a virtual new, beautiful world for her father. He will be the first ever best hero for her in life.

Everytime she feels proud to say that  she has one hero to save her and to stand by her side at any cause. Her life rolls on as a free and colorful butterfly flying free all around the world.Everytime she meets a boy of her age in her life she always feel proud to introduce her father with her hands on her dad’s shoulder saying “He is ma dad”. 

 At the same time a mother gives birth to a girl child she loses her world that she lived till the previous day. She turns back to a child again and starts growing along with her daughter to make her understand what all the features are and happenings of a girl in this world are.

At the instinct of her teenage she will look upon a different dimension of the world, for which she will take so much time to understand what the reality is! She needs so much time to understand people around her. Only at that time she will realize that she had been in a cocoon for all this days, in the palms of her parents. She will find it so difficult to break the cocoon and come out. She will reach a paramount pain to face the real world which she had never thought of. Once she realizes the pain she will reach the most beautiful cum painful moment for her parents. But it is the most painful moment for a girl child to realize her responsibilities in the second part of her life. 

She will understand that she had been in a delusion all these days that she held the sole responsibility of protecting her parents. The moment she realizes that it was all an illusion, she will poke fun at herself with an inner pain. 

Once she holds hand with a man, who is her hero next to her father And that will be  the first time she is forced to share her world. She enters into a new world where she is laid with the responsibility to satisfy every soul of her new world at which she fails most of the time. 

 If the pain of a girl stands high on one side, the parents who treated her to be a princess every time in spite of her mistakes will always hang about in pain for exist in away of her.
Instances and happenings like this always make certain questions of a single girl child’s life unrequited

Saturday, June 25, 2011


“The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.” – Robert Frost...

The road that led to the falls
We were greeted with interminable lushes of palm trees and overwhelming sense of peacefulness. That scenario during the travel reminded me these lines …Well...This is a travelogue that takes us to the Indian 
Niagara…in Kerala, the gigantic and the terrific falls named the flamboyant Athirapilly falls...

A 6o km travel from Trissur in Kerala led to the dark woods which led to the paradise of the Mother Nature. The initial travel had beautiful houses of great architectural works. Getting closer to the destination, the no of houses, shops and people got reduced. The road had dark woods on either side of the roads and it was dead silent except that of the sweet sounds of birds and some mysterious sounds of animals all around...We need to hold our patience  till we were able to hear the pour of water well before the few Kms from the destination.

Our lovely car that took us to the memorable trip
We came to know that there exists a waterfall 5 kms from the athirapilly falls. With a cloud nine mood we drove well deep into the forest further deep. As we proceeded, the road lost its smoothness and it became rough and tough. We couldn't trace any human head ahead. The sun rays even had to struggle much to reach the earth. The place appeared too dark that the thrill reached its peak. It appeared that our car was the only object that was moving in through the forest. 

On the way we saw a waterfall named ascharpa” which had a gigantic look...But the thrill increased as we were the only people on that place. On the way we could see many warning boards saying “Don’t try to swim or get near to the falls. Many lost life by doing so “...And in the darker parts of the roads had yet another warning boards “Beware... Wildlife crossing zone”. These circumstances made the trip more exhilarating.

 Getting back to the square, i.e., Athirapilly falls, we could see that ferocious river flowing down as the most magnificient water fall creating rainbow coloirs down the rocks. Initially we being afraid, let our legs slowly inside the terrifically running water and then got completely inside …whose slight slip would have led us  to fall on our own sword. Hmm..To make the moment more cherishable, Mother nature presented us a beautiful gift in the form of a rain …To get wet in the rain when we are completely inside the terrific river added on to the feather of our cloud nine experience.

Top view of the falls with the rainbow colors
We never thought that the bottom view of the falls would be more breathtaking and  awe- inspiring. Getting to the bottom of the falls gave a complete trekking experience . We needed to walk through the stone paved way amongst the dense forest. The forest was so thick that though we walked through the forest in the mid noon, it appeared so dark.I can damn bet that even a very brave person will be heart broken to walk among this forest in the late night. After these difficulties we got to the real paradise of mother earth..The ferrocious water fall fell with greatest force hitting on the rocks creating drizzles through out the place.The place was considered so dangerous  for people to get near to the falls. My God..The heaven was infront of  my eyes. Mother Earth Is the best architect in the world.

The dense forest through which we need to walk to reach the falls bottom
 The adventerous and the thriller experiece via the forest showed me yet another dimension of the world. When we enquired people way back to trissur , they said that there was one common route and the other one which led to dense forest which is more dangerous where we could find wild animals and the area would be more dark. Specifically they mentioned that night travel would be the worst danger in one’s life . Considering certain safety measures we took the normal route.But my heart still wants the adventure of the route during the night...

Having got completely wet, with melted heart we retuned back to our car. The dark way back from athirapilly made our heart light and made us feel heavenly. This was the first time that I let my feet wet with adventure.
With all these great experieces in mind, and great moments in heart, we returned to the mother city..:)