Tuesday, December 4, 2012

IIT gave birth to version 2.0

7 became my interesting number in those few days of my benchmark days of my memories....I knew....These days I am enjoying are not gonna be as I am experiencing now...Being in the palms and care of my parents and my city...all these 20 years...My mind and heart was just gazing around with a weird thought all the time...

My mind still wonders how my words came true just like that as I uttered  them....I was just kidding with my mom and dad...."Just watch and see....I will be out of the home well before July 2012 and that would be my deadline for my next step of my life"....And so it happened my admission on July 25th and my first official day on July 30th.... Ahh....... Can that be expressed in just words....

With few days in hand....I felt like as if a girl is getting ready to go to in-law's home ;) Check lists, Packing  big big suitcases, luggage  new stuffs...and what not...Getting ready for a hostel life is not such an easy job... At that time I felt why can man construct a portable HOME...(Not a house...! ) rather that shifting things abruptly....

First time I felt that every room at my home had so much messages to convey to me.....My television told in my living room said... " U are leaving without using me effectively till the end...!" My kitchen had the hidden tears of my mother....My pooja room...had so much of  send off blessings....I could feel all these all around the walls of my home....

Carrying all these thoughts ....I stepped into my new world which invited me with lot of syllabi...Not technical...But syllabus of life... :) :)

I just didn't see the new world around me alone..I had a chance to see a new world that my mom and dad had within them....I don't want to see the same in them again like that in my life time...I still remember the place at GC where I said a painful bye to my mom and dad.....

First time I felt I won’t get those days where things were done for me well before I needed them, the care and shoulders that were making me strong...and what else...I felt as if I was the only person living on this earth....

It was just few days before, 7 was an interesting number...But whiling away those first 7 days at the campus was.....Hmmm,....The green trees appeared to be like withered trees....Green forest made me feel like as I was in a haunted place... The ornamental horns of deer appeared to be weapons to kill people....and what not...!!!!! These things just made me drag my foot behind the step I took...This all happened for no reason...

Then started a different phase of this haunted life....My new hostel...which was right all along with family, kids, grannys and grandpas.....and made me feel at home....I felt now everything started to fall on place...

Few things that made me feel better..... was the welcome party given by our seniors.......!!!!!! Ooops....Party???? Oh.....Can this happen in my life???? With all these I started experiencing that new episode.....My first trip with not much familiar classmates (Infact deftly not now..... :) :) ) My first anonymous group work for funny activities...My first dance (!!) ....But it was a great and well planned entertainment at the ECR road that made our class feel easy in next few days in getting to know people....

Next.....People were chasing me with the word change.....I never wanted them to give them a chan(g)ce... :P :P But things happened just like that....It was a cold war between individualism Vs Team.......My determination.....reached its hardest core path test......Had weird experience of coming late to class with no reason....Coming late to class with no reason was really a new experience filled with thrill.... :P :P 

Then just days rolled on ......IIT- ians to a temple was seriously a thing  something like Tamil Nadu having surplus of power to my perception....!!!! A trip to Parthasarathy temple with my friends always takes the place of  first best moments of my IIT life.....How can I not thank my good friends who made it possible.... :) :) 

Yes in fact IIT gave me a clear definition of so many words that I just gazed through in my life in newspapers and big screens...It gave me all feel like laughter, friendship, cry, decision making, people handling, fear, thrillzz, risks, and what not...!!!! I seriously dont know in what idea Chetan told "What not to do at IIT??? ". Its true.... But for me....."Who else can be a better mentor that IIT in one's life?".... If 4 months stay here can teach me this much .....Then how much should I blog at the end of my 4 semesters???? :P :P 

More than a Master in Construction,  I guess at the end of this journey IIT will help me a dual degreeMasters...Masters  my own life.....I know....I am bunking few classes of MY LIFE  here at IIT...But hope it will be compensated soon...:) :) :) 

1 comment:

  1. at last u have started to live your own life and learn lessons of life......time to face it
