Saturday, December 1, 2012

My eye saw "I"

The road was going on and on...Just like a long highway travel. Same toll gates, same rushing vehicles on the track travelling along with me on the same lane...Some were rushing...Some were lagging long back the lane.. Was badly bored of all these stuffs and wanted a change over on my travel. In long run my eyes saw a deep green road which disturbed my travel and so went along as my mind said....

           The road was a bit tough to proceed further and sometimes made me feel bad whether I have dared to take a broad leap.With lot of determination , finally stepped into a grassland which was a new world that made me forget the highways and the tiresome journey which was all along.

Finally reaching my new world, stepping into IIT it took some time to understand where I am and how to mold myself to be the survival of the fittest. Taking time for that I was wandering all along with the herd of deer with lots of thoughts all around.There came the opportunity to relax and spend time on myself.

Among the hectic classroom schedules at IIT, where prof enters the class with a plan of activities for the day, it made us enthusiastic to see the prof who was well present in the class  before the students and welcomed  with a warm and bright smile.

The disclaimers were the ultimate for the entire course that in fact attracted  everyone towards this course!!!! I even used to wonder how management people alone are able to use disclaimers as  strategies!!!! Hmmmm..this was my first learning from this course indeed...!!!

Then days rolled on with the same enthu from the prof always , at times missing from the students....No doubt the criminal was the sun on the top of our heads....!!!!! :P

Giving a brief idea on life skills and attitude..The days rolled on with so much of learning.... In fact our class was just seen as stars on sky scattered all over.But this course made us first time to feel the galaxy of  our department. People came to know each other better and the credit of bringing 8 states  under the single roof of learning and enjoyment. This course taught us life lessons and along with that how much a prof can be friendly with students and get a special place in their hearts. In fact it was a learning on learning .....which will go all along in all our lives.....

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