Saturday, June 29, 2013

In love with solitude...

First time..From the day I took the tender breath… have never perceived this unique music of silence..And the resourcefulness of nature…

The world entitles this as alienated….or lonely…  My heart names these moments as delightful and blissful…. The world of your own..Makes you undergo a feel….. Living on a creative world….where you look yourself as  a creator..The GOD…in fact…..that was the moment I felt God is everywhere within everyone…

I remembered how I ran around the world…..literally blindfolded in search of something every time….Life is too short to think too much….Hate people….Think about the past..

Every day we go to bed after enjoying the soft breeze caressing the soft eyelid waiting to rest the black pearl inside…. Thoughts come into mind…when we stare the black blanket….up above us through the window beside me….Something right far away from me a cute blink….brightly…giving hope as a silver line..

Nature had been always a source of love….or lovely words for the people who FALL in love…or who portray love with their beautiful and attractive words….Yes….I was not an exception….I fell in love with myself and my creative world.. 

Wherever I go….Living in solitude made me feel that all other…. so called people…were just little toys keyed by their thoughts….Toys are to make our life beautiful and happier….And that made my life more beautiful and adorable….Fortunately...My world was barbie world....some were avengers...and some were tom and jerry...

Cuckoos became my early morning alarm….Monkeys family talk indicated my time to take breakfast… Bright sunrays penetrating right on to the stick notes onto my walls shows me the agenda of the day..

Evening breeze dragged ma legs for a long walk that never failed to give me a feel of serenity on a long lonely road….with green lush of plants and bushes…..and a  deer peeping out from the little forest…

The blushing face of the bride…The universal beauty....Moon....indicates my time to fall in love with ma bed right beside ma window where I can stare at the little white face and  feel how will I look when I blush after few years…

With all these thoughts…..To be in an isolated island …Undiscovered by man…. a blend with nature…A bed of thornless blood red roses... (Thanks to the recent discovery!!! )  decorated  by lush green well-refined grass…. 

Purple colored sky with milky stars blinking at my pellucid eyes… Shooting stars moving here and there…sparkling cold glitters of dew drops on ma rose bed…The aroma of the earth….filling up my air and makes every breath of mine a cool and calm one… and one beautiful butterfly that waves its wings according to the rhythm of ma breath…My ears being soothed with an unheard melody that was heard long before during a blissful dream dreamt earlier…My entire soul feels the lightness in the living….And is this called the eternal happiness of humanbeing...…???!!!!! Isnt is a lovely feeling... :) 

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