Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today in this recent decade it is very common that women have their foot prints in so many fields .They are playing incredible role in the extensive growth of the society. But how many of us may agree that today’s women have acquired the real freedom what they deserve?? . It’s a an agreeable fact that all classes of people will surely end up with a  NO...Still there may be people arguing that women are provided with equal rights in all fields .But the real freedom does not lie in legal aspects alone.

 As a human, living on earth there are certain rights and wishes that every one would like to acquire. Even those liberties and rights are considered to be the greatest rights that the male chauvinistic society has given to the women society..

On still getting into this issue and analyzing the root cause for this argument in this present scenario its much shocking to find that Women themselves are the reason for the setbacks for them in the society. It still remains as a bitter truth to digest.
The day to day happenings themselves stand as a valid proof for the above statement. It’s a worrisome fact that even women hesitate to work under a women leader and continuously remain as a critic but it’s not the case when the same takes place for the work under a male. The problem is that today’s women are not able to accept the mildest change in their social status, even in the positive manner. The problem is that their subconscious mind had stored what they had experienced for so many years.

To make the argument much stronger, consider the case: When strict actions are taken by men, he is called as a brave person but the same is called as “aggressive and arrogant nature” when a woman does it.
Its still myth to say that the men are dominating women. The scenario has changed now…Women are themselves the blocks for their progress. Its true fact that today’s male society is welcoming the progress of women in all aspects but few incapable women and very few men  always have great role to play in terminating the progress of women.

When there is a way paved by the society to see the improved version of women, why not we use them??? Let’s overcome the pains that all our women ancestors have suffered and let’s prove ourselves in all angles of life…Lets be supportive to each other. The world knows that we haven’t have spilled even 10% of our potential to this society .When ancient poets like Bharati believed in women, why not women themselves??? Don’t we feel proud to see women entrepreneurs and civil servants??? Its now time to take up a new resolution that all women stay supportive to each other.