Saturday, June 25, 2011


“The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.” – Robert Frost...

The road that led to the falls
We were greeted with interminable lushes of palm trees and overwhelming sense of peacefulness. That scenario during the travel reminded me these lines …Well...This is a travelogue that takes us to the Indian 
Niagara…in Kerala, the gigantic and the terrific falls named the flamboyant Athirapilly falls...

A 6o km travel from Trissur in Kerala led to the dark woods which led to the paradise of the Mother Nature. The initial travel had beautiful houses of great architectural works. Getting closer to the destination, the no of houses, shops and people got reduced. The road had dark woods on either side of the roads and it was dead silent except that of the sweet sounds of birds and some mysterious sounds of animals all around...We need to hold our patience  till we were able to hear the pour of water well before the few Kms from the destination.

Our lovely car that took us to the memorable trip
We came to know that there exists a waterfall 5 kms from the athirapilly falls. With a cloud nine mood we drove well deep into the forest further deep. As we proceeded, the road lost its smoothness and it became rough and tough. We couldn't trace any human head ahead. The sun rays even had to struggle much to reach the earth. The place appeared too dark that the thrill reached its peak. It appeared that our car was the only object that was moving in through the forest. 

On the way we saw a waterfall named ascharpa” which had a gigantic look...But the thrill increased as we were the only people on that place. On the way we could see many warning boards saying “Don’t try to swim or get near to the falls. Many lost life by doing so “...And in the darker parts of the roads had yet another warning boards “Beware... Wildlife crossing zone”. These circumstances made the trip more exhilarating.

 Getting back to the square, i.e., Athirapilly falls, we could see that ferocious river flowing down as the most magnificient water fall creating rainbow coloirs down the rocks. Initially we being afraid, let our legs slowly inside the terrifically running water and then got completely inside …whose slight slip would have led us  to fall on our own sword. Hmm..To make the moment more cherishable, Mother nature presented us a beautiful gift in the form of a rain …To get wet in the rain when we are completely inside the terrific river added on to the feather of our cloud nine experience.

Top view of the falls with the rainbow colors
We never thought that the bottom view of the falls would be more breathtaking and  awe- inspiring. Getting to the bottom of the falls gave a complete trekking experience . We needed to walk through the stone paved way amongst the dense forest. The forest was so thick that though we walked through the forest in the mid noon, it appeared so dark.I can damn bet that even a very brave person will be heart broken to walk among this forest in the late night. After these difficulties we got to the real paradise of mother earth..The ferrocious water fall fell with greatest force hitting on the rocks creating drizzles through out the place.The place was considered so dangerous  for people to get near to the falls. My God..The heaven was infront of  my eyes. Mother Earth Is the best architect in the world.

The dense forest through which we need to walk to reach the falls bottom
 The adventerous and the thriller experiece via the forest showed me yet another dimension of the world. When we enquired people way back to trissur , they said that there was one common route and the other one which led to dense forest which is more dangerous where we could find wild animals and the area would be more dark. Specifically they mentioned that night travel would be the worst danger in one’s life . Considering certain safety measures we took the normal route.But my heart still wants the adventure of the route during the night...

Having got completely wet, with melted heart we retuned back to our car. The dark way back from athirapilly made our heart light and made us feel heavenly. This was the first time that I let my feet wet with adventure.
With all these great experieces in mind, and great moments in heart, we returned to the mother city..:)

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