Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Goodbye letter to the daughter of time...

  At the time of your birth, I know, u were treated like a girl child born in our society..You escaped from the female infanticide as u were the child of time. You made man realize that time is the only thing that he cannot control..Thanks to the inability of technology…. 2012…u were welcomed with a fear that u may be the last child of mother time ,as if this world is going to send u back with no wounds and regrets!!! …

Thank the Mayans …They gave you the chance to see how man would treat you if u would have been the last child..!!!!

I know u would have seen few great moments in your life and lots of dark pages of future history of our nation as well as our world.. I don’t know how much u suffered in the hands of the children of mother Earth… Known for her patience, she herself was tempted by her own children to fire out her anger in all possible natural calamities (Sandy, Neelam are no exceptions!! ) …What would u poor daughter of time do…!!! U remained silent filling up your pages of diary..

              To me personally, you were a glass of fresh fruit juice served for a person who lost himself in Sahara desert. You gave me the brightest path for my life.. You showed me the motherliness which none of your father, grandfather nor your forefathers had…

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 Mother s Day                                   You opened all windows of my small world and made me look out..The brightness of the external world disturbed my eyesight at times…But u patted me saying “This is your right time to step out and know your world” just like a mother bird pushes its small ones to make them learn flying. Though initially I trembled,  I started following your path blindly believing the fact that the daughter of time would never let me down..I know …U test me before u teach me a lesson..…I started  flying…..

Time came when the door of my destiny was opened again by you through a golden key…I know… I am still flying…The confidence that you gave me makes me fly higher and higher…As long as you were with me….It would have been my illusion…..But I strongly believed that the world was safe and no records were written on your diary with the blood of the children of mother earth… Few were written…I know…But it did not tear your pages…as it happened to your forefathers…You managed well just like a women manages her family, career ….multitasking indeed!! Congrats..…
                I didn’t want  to let you go…Even the world didn’t want to…But as I said….Your mother..TIME…is the only brave woman who can escape from the children of mother earth ( !!???) They are no more children….Even she felt that her daughter 2012 is not safe to be here on earth….And so she is taking you back….!!!!!!!

I know your mother is not irresponsible….and she will replace you with a new son/daughter…God knows….Thank god…She cannot be scanned to know that…Again thanks to the inability of technology….

Red carpet welcome to the new child 2013

Your replacement can be a better one…But how will I fly high without you as u were the one who took me greater heights…!! I know..You may handover few of your responsibilities to the upcoming new child of mother time in the preface of its diary….And I know you will always have a special phrase and request to ur sibling to hold my hands to further heights…But still will miss u… Neither man nor you, can control each other…!!!!!!!! This is the magic of human life on Earth… 

Welcoming your sibling to this world..Expecting your sibling to be a Universal reformer and bring about the real sunrise for the universe as well as to take me to the other side of my golden doors of my destiny started by you….Hope the new one has golden pages of history.....Cheers to the new birth…!!!!!

 Wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR…. 

WELCOME 2013.............:) :)

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