Sunday, February 19, 2012


On stepping into the world, a child perceives its complete world through the eyes of its mother. From that split second, the child considers that everything dwells with its mother. As days roll on, the baby will recognize that its world is being communal by yet another soul in the name of a sibling. From that moment it starts understanding that at any moment its world can be shared by anyone and starts apprehending the reality. But in the same case when a child cannot see a share of its life with anyone for more than 20 years it would be like a renaissance every time it realizes a share in its property. 

Especially when a girl child enters into the family as the first and the only child it is an unbreakable truth that even the world sometimes fails to understand the bitter truth of her life. From the day one, never mind how the world sees her, but she will be the little princess and she will craft a virtual new, beautiful world for her father. He will be the first ever best hero for her in life.

Everytime she feels proud to say that  she has one hero to save her and to stand by her side at any cause. Her life rolls on as a free and colorful butterfly flying free all around the world.Everytime she meets a boy of her age in her life she always feel proud to introduce her father with her hands on her dad’s shoulder saying “He is ma dad”. 

 At the same time a mother gives birth to a girl child she loses her world that she lived till the previous day. She turns back to a child again and starts growing along with her daughter to make her understand what all the features are and happenings of a girl in this world are.

At the instinct of her teenage she will look upon a different dimension of the world, for which she will take so much time to understand what the reality is! She needs so much time to understand people around her. Only at that time she will realize that she had been in a cocoon for all this days, in the palms of her parents. She will find it so difficult to break the cocoon and come out. She will reach a paramount pain to face the real world which she had never thought of. Once she realizes the pain she will reach the most beautiful cum painful moment for her parents. But it is the most painful moment for a girl child to realize her responsibilities in the second part of her life. 

She will understand that she had been in a delusion all these days that she held the sole responsibility of protecting her parents. The moment she realizes that it was all an illusion, she will poke fun at herself with an inner pain. 

Once she holds hand with a man, who is her hero next to her father And that will be  the first time she is forced to share her world. She enters into a new world where she is laid with the responsibility to satisfy every soul of her new world at which she fails most of the time. 

 If the pain of a girl stands high on one side, the parents who treated her to be a princess every time in spite of her mistakes will always hang about in pain for exist in away of her.
Instances and happenings like this always make certain questions of a single girl child’s life unrequited

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