Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Year of life... Au revoir 2013 :) :) :)

Dedicated to all who travelled with me in this beautiful year....Specially for my pals at IIT who made this year for me...!!!

All of us today in this  busy schedule,will definitely love and miss school life….It's not the exciting colorful science books or  pages full of years and names - The History book  or The lifelong struggle to search the value of "x"  in Mathematics that we miss and love….!!! Its not any of these that give pleasure. But when we turn back  and look into those school days only few things brush  and flash into our  memories and give nostalgic moments…

 In childhood, few things like the friendship with no 'terms and conditions'  gave lot of stupid memories to cherish , that unconditional love we had for each other, eagerly waiting for a friend’s birthday just to wish him or her with a 'happy birthday song' or a 'handmade greeting card' and had no expensive gifts, the punishment given for the whole class by our favorite teacher, The unexpected love from a strict teacher on one fine day , group punishments and terrifying exam results and what not….!!! These things remain so lovely even today  and many forget to cherish them because today our lives have become monotonous and a "busy" one….

This year was just like running back to those days of my schooling…!! But phew!!…the syllabus was pretty tough and challenging….” When the going gets tough, the tough get going". :) The learning in this school  never went in vain just like my other certificated education….It is far worth than a degree from even Oxford/ Harvard University..Because it was not just a B-School for  MBA or a tech school for  M.Tech, but it was 'The School of Life'.

This year was the mentor for my life…!!! Yeah , ofcourse IIT life was similar to gurukul….I remember the blog post which I wrote during my entry into IIT….More than a Masters  in Construction,  I guess at the end of this journey IIT will help me a dual degree Masters...The Masters for my own life too.....”That’s true now….What not at IIT???  One can learn everything about life.

Life turned very interesting for me in IIT in all means….!! I got a second chance to get back my childhood these days....I rarely missed my home and slowly started to love my stay at this beautiful campus. Different types of people,  with different ideologies, little compromises, respecting  one’s emotions , understanding one’s world and the path they have walked through etc etc…..

Few close pals….Long list of hi-bye friendships, little brotherhood, few people as mirage, Fun loving and caring people all around….It takes one year to know the meaning and the power of the word ‘Trust’. A sample trailer of the world full of differences, love,care and few other sides like
drama and fake people sometimes gave a better understanding about the world eagerly waiting outside. Going near to a lion and expecting it to be kind  and lick you with love  is similar to experiencing a life with challenges. Fight and grab what you want is the slogan for life and ofcourse this year made me ready for that.

My previous years just rolled down with numbers, few alphabets like S and A – the ‘so’ called grades and with percentages. I found all these days my heart and brain were so much synchronized that I couldn’t really follow my heart. But this natural environment, the love with solitude, the my little life in other’s life , the little time I spent to make people happy and protect them was a new discovery of mine!!! Eureka….!!! I jumped around the cushion of my soft part of the heart seeing it after a long time …getting back to the life of a child….

But not all inventions and discoveries really work the way we want…!! My discovery was similar to the Nuclear Energy….!! Can be harnessed to  power up people as well as can drain out my own power in just one blast….In short , this year was the one that helped me to understand who I am and what makes my life and what really has to be chiseled off for a better life.

Infact in this magnanimous gurukul , my teachers were Nature and  the people whom I met and ofcourse my close pals at IIT… People from various places….and various states came under single roof with all fun , love and care I was surprised how things were different…and how human minds and hearts were unique …!!

Some days taught me how  life can  be really beautiful even in hard times, Some days  taught me how  life can  be really easy and carefree , Some days  taught me how  responsibility in a measured level , keep you move towards the goal, Some days taught me less words can have more emotions, Some days taught , "why not ??? Be patient" …., Some days taught "Why NOT to be patient" !!Thunder, lighting and heavy rain were once terrifying for me, later they turned to be nostalgic…Few days helped me to discover the kid inside me….Few days helped me to know why people have to be really matured.. and among all this, bringing back the old beautiful memories back to this campus was even  more lovely in this lovable campus…
My Pals at IIT :) 

In this way , days and people molded  me in all ways and means…. Laughter and Fun at peaks , love with solitude, Flirt with music, Romance with nature, Silent language with deer, Work at peace, Midnight classes, International presentations, Birthday celebrations, Tears in regret, Fights- A lesson for patience, Moon beside the window, Long walks with thoughts and lovely IIT saga continued and now gonna draw down the curtains  in next few months with all beautiful memories in heart.

I will definitely miss all beautiful, stupid, funny and lovely moments in this campus....Numbers like C-2-3, 137, 354 made my life awesome during these days here...!! Sure a new post will come up to give a farewell to the memories at IIT in the second half of this new year and  to wave  adieu to the lovely life that  I was blessed with ,in this beautiful campus....!!!!

 I was not a single day 'single' in IIT....I had beautiful love with MUSIC.... :) :) I  changed my solitude to romantic time with my own playlist...and sometimes I even created my own albums.....!! I gave life to my music interest and created few of my own and they always keep my own world mellifluous till date.....Thanks to my love...!!! Music helped me to be on the notes which in turn  synchronised me  with the rhythm of  my life...!!! ;)

With lots of hope, and carrying over all lessons of life to this fresh year I am stepping  into the new world…. .I was blessed with 2013- I would call this year “THE MENTOR OF LIFE”  leaves me just like a mother bird that pushed  me , the  little one  from heights  just to make me  fly higher  and better…It has taught me everything in the best way to face the world .I believe 2014 would be helping me to create opportunities rather to wait for them…...I wish it holds the same for everyone who traveled with me during this beautiful YEAR OF LIFE 2013

I believe 2014 would be more colorful for all of us...A bridge between the dreams and the destiny for all of us......Have to take leaps and am sure that path would be lovely and more beautiful ......


1 comment:

  1. superr !!... I loved the nuclear energy comparison.. hehhehe ;) and dear u r truly loved by us !! :)
