Saturday, June 25, 2011


“The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.” – Robert Frost...

The road that led to the falls
We were greeted with interminable lushes of palm trees and overwhelming sense of peacefulness. That scenario during the travel reminded me these lines …Well...This is a travelogue that takes us to the Indian 
Niagara…in Kerala, the gigantic and the terrific falls named the flamboyant Athirapilly falls...

A 6o km travel from Trissur in Kerala led to the dark woods which led to the paradise of the Mother Nature. The initial travel had beautiful houses of great architectural works. Getting closer to the destination, the no of houses, shops and people got reduced. The road had dark woods on either side of the roads and it was dead silent except that of the sweet sounds of birds and some mysterious sounds of animals all around...We need to hold our patience  till we were able to hear the pour of water well before the few Kms from the destination.

Our lovely car that took us to the memorable trip
We came to know that there exists a waterfall 5 kms from the athirapilly falls. With a cloud nine mood we drove well deep into the forest further deep. As we proceeded, the road lost its smoothness and it became rough and tough. We couldn't trace any human head ahead. The sun rays even had to struggle much to reach the earth. The place appeared too dark that the thrill reached its peak. It appeared that our car was the only object that was moving in through the forest. 

On the way we saw a waterfall named ascharpa” which had a gigantic look...But the thrill increased as we were the only people on that place. On the way we could see many warning boards saying “Don’t try to swim or get near to the falls. Many lost life by doing so “...And in the darker parts of the roads had yet another warning boards “Beware... Wildlife crossing zone”. These circumstances made the trip more exhilarating.

 Getting back to the square, i.e., Athirapilly falls, we could see that ferocious river flowing down as the most magnificient water fall creating rainbow coloirs down the rocks. Initially we being afraid, let our legs slowly inside the terrifically running water and then got completely inside …whose slight slip would have led us  to fall on our own sword. Hmm..To make the moment more cherishable, Mother nature presented us a beautiful gift in the form of a rain …To get wet in the rain when we are completely inside the terrific river added on to the feather of our cloud nine experience.

Top view of the falls with the rainbow colors
We never thought that the bottom view of the falls would be more breathtaking and  awe- inspiring. Getting to the bottom of the falls gave a complete trekking experience . We needed to walk through the stone paved way amongst the dense forest. The forest was so thick that though we walked through the forest in the mid noon, it appeared so dark.I can damn bet that even a very brave person will be heart broken to walk among this forest in the late night. After these difficulties we got to the real paradise of mother earth..The ferrocious water fall fell with greatest force hitting on the rocks creating drizzles through out the place.The place was considered so dangerous  for people to get near to the falls. My God..The heaven was infront of  my eyes. Mother Earth Is the best architect in the world.

The dense forest through which we need to walk to reach the falls bottom
 The adventerous and the thriller experiece via the forest showed me yet another dimension of the world. When we enquired people way back to trissur , they said that there was one common route and the other one which led to dense forest which is more dangerous where we could find wild animals and the area would be more dark. Specifically they mentioned that night travel would be the worst danger in one’s life . Considering certain safety measures we took the normal route.But my heart still wants the adventure of the route during the night...

Having got completely wet, with melted heart we retuned back to our car. The dark way back from athirapilly made our heart light and made us feel heavenly. This was the first time that I let my feet wet with adventure.
With all these great experieces in mind, and great moments in heart, we returned to the mother city..:)

Friday, June 17, 2011


   By this time this question should have emerged in every youngster’s mind. The present scenario is a greatest testimony  for the rise of this question. People may wonder that about which political party and leader is this article about…Forget it...This article would suit every political party in the nation irrespective of the state.

The most worrisome factor is that the our nation still bears bureaucrats with a very minimum educational qualification like 2nd std and 8th std etc.

We citizens are used to all these  fake explanations from our politicians  for their every moronic blunders they do. And the reason they give for this is that ,the person from their party had experienced terrific life and had toiled much for the party and they are given such positions as ministers as a gratitude. 

Well...That’s not a big deal.But the same politicians often forget to present their gratitude for the people who had cast their vote for their victory. A cashier in a small shop at the road side is now the finance minister of the state!!! Will he be able to manage the state’s financial transactions??? Don’t you think that these activities pave broader way for the scams happening today?

Well...Getting into the activities further deeper...We people can always see two different news channels of two different parties blaming each other for various statements given by each party irrespective of ruling or opposing party .

Their fights are so childish that when we watch these  two news channels we would feel that even pogo and cartoon network channels are better !!!  .As soon as a party’s head releases a statement , not necessarily about the opposition party, the opposition party head runs in search of a paper and a pen for creating their script against the statement released by the other party. Ha ha ha!!!!! Very childish..
And moreover when the rule changes in a location automatically the schemes are also changed...Its a rare thing that any political party introduces something good for the public...Even those schemes  are changed without any appeal for the only reason that those where introduced by the opposition party. Even buildings are not exceptions!!! (This would suit well for TN..!?!?!?)

Indian pledge says only that “All Indians are my brothers and sisters”. But our politicians are too patriotic that they consider “All Indian money is my money” .This article need not speak much on this as today’s new channels’ top stories and the newspapers’ headlines are speaking much on this today. 

The other annoying thing is that the motto of the anti corruption group who again catch the first pages of the newspapers in the name of fasting still remains a mystery. Will the head of the anti corruption committee able to bring the details of their assets to public transparently??? Ahh…That’s still a question mark…

India will reach its dream only when the political scenario changes...And that’s again a dream.
The political mannerism in USA is always amazing. During the last election in USA it was really great to see the leaders of the two parties, Democratic and Republic to greet each other and appreciate the party that won with a hand shake in front of the public. Can any one imagine the same scenario in any of the states of India??? The imagination itself makes us laugh to the core .

 Well..It may take time for these  change to take place. But who is going to initiate these changes??? I leave it to the readers..Hoping for a better change..


Friday, June 10, 2011


When you get up early in the morning and when  you search for your mobile for checking whether you have received any texts from your friend or to check whether you have missed any call from your close friend and when you find that your mobile is missing near your bed, sure it would turn up into a miserable day for many, to spend.. This is the present scenario about the small handy instrument which is ruling us to the core today.
It was earlier a myth that possessing mobile phone was considered to be a dignity and a sign of social status. But in this contemporary world it’s a known fact that the reach of mobile phones has reached its saturation.

It sometimes makes us laugh when people get up with mobile phones, walk with it , bath with it, eat with it, study with it and sleep with it. For many, the presence of mobile phone with them throughout the day makes them feel heavenly and comfortable.

I wonder how mobile phones are able to prove the proverb “PRACTICE MAKES MAN PERFECT” .Wondering how???? Continuous texting through mobile phones had made them well versed in texting without even seeing the keypad of the mobile.

Technology always initiates its inventions  to the human beings to satisfy their basic needs with some needed comforts .We get addicted to these technologies and when we face the ill effects of them, we blame the technology. I just wonder that how come people live with a lifeless instrument ???  

When we are able to accept the new invention from various scientists and researchers, why aren’t we able to accept the fact when same researchers say the ill effects of this technology?

Today having a personal mobile for oneself is considered to be a prestigious issue...Especially teens…Today’s youth are not enjoying their age to the maximum extent just because they started leading life with an instrument… Where are we heading to???

Its really a moronic blunder that we still blame the advent of new technologies…It lies in our hand to turn them out to be a greatest leap for the human society…

When we were slaves of British, we needed great patriotic leaders to save our nation..Do we need a GANDHI to free us from this technological slavery??? Isnt it shame on our side to go behind a lifeless instrument…????


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today in this recent decade it is very common that women have their foot prints in so many fields .They are playing incredible role in the extensive growth of the society. But how many of us may agree that today’s women have acquired the real freedom what they deserve?? . It’s a an agreeable fact that all classes of people will surely end up with a  NO...Still there may be people arguing that women are provided with equal rights in all fields .But the real freedom does not lie in legal aspects alone.

 As a human, living on earth there are certain rights and wishes that every one would like to acquire. Even those liberties and rights are considered to be the greatest rights that the male chauvinistic society has given to the women society..

On still getting into this issue and analyzing the root cause for this argument in this present scenario its much shocking to find that Women themselves are the reason for the setbacks for them in the society. It still remains as a bitter truth to digest.
The day to day happenings themselves stand as a valid proof for the above statement. It’s a worrisome fact that even women hesitate to work under a women leader and continuously remain as a critic but it’s not the case when the same takes place for the work under a male. The problem is that today’s women are not able to accept the mildest change in their social status, even in the positive manner. The problem is that their subconscious mind had stored what they had experienced for so many years.

To make the argument much stronger, consider the case: When strict actions are taken by men, he is called as a brave person but the same is called as “aggressive and arrogant nature” when a woman does it.
Its still myth to say that the men are dominating women. The scenario has changed now…Women are themselves the blocks for their progress. Its true fact that today’s male society is welcoming the progress of women in all aspects but few incapable women and very few men  always have great role to play in terminating the progress of women.

When there is a way paved by the society to see the improved version of women, why not we use them??? Let’s overcome the pains that all our women ancestors have suffered and let’s prove ourselves in all angles of life…Lets be supportive to each other. The world knows that we haven’t have spilled even 10% of our potential to this society .When ancient poets like Bharati believed in women, why not women themselves??? Don’t we feel proud to see women entrepreneurs and civil servants??? Its now time to take up a new resolution that all women stay supportive to each other.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


The newspapers are firing..The breaking news are flashing in all news channels ....Our ears are hearing just "OBAMA " and " OSAMA" everywhere....The ten years man hunt came to an end..The diary of terrorism had rested in peace with the blood of this 6 feet tall man.The hero of terrorism was brought to an end by the real time hero OBAMA...

The president is the world's best secret keeper as  he maintained the secret for 72 hrs about the secret operation. The operation was planned so skillfully that no one else expected this to happen. 

The 3 storied building which cost about crores had a different plan inside. No connection with the outside world and a few windows threw a spot light on the suspect ion of the Americans. The thrill behind this manhunt was like reading a crime story. Every communication was through only courier. The arrival of so many courier brought curiosity for the soldiers that this house alone receives so many courier everyday!!!. The wall were too tall that even if Osama wanders outside the building he won’t be visible to the outside world. The building was protected with electric cables all around.

The dead body of Osama has thrown into the sea as no nation was ready to accept his body and moreover America itself didn’t want that to do.

Now the question in the entire world's mind is that "who is gonna be the next leader?? Will he be able to be as bravos as laden???" 

But its a clear fact that it will take so many years to bring out a strong man like Osama into the world. But with this one cannot be peaceful that the world is safe..In the meanwhile the Taliban have threatened that they would do a tit for tat act for USA as well as Pakistan within 3 months....!!!!!!!!
America took 10 years to hunt just a single person. In this view Osama though being a terrorist, he had his own history that the world is speaking about..An OXFORD UNIVERSITY graduate turned into the news of the world today. He was the hero of  terrorism...!!!!!!! 

Obama existing as a real time hero did a great work what the other presidents couldn't do.In that angle, OBAMA  AND HIS AMERICAN SOLDIER CREW are  the real heroes of the world for every individual..Its sure that they will catch the important pages of the world history. They are the ROCKSTARS...

Critically examining ,  OBAMA AND OSAMA are the heroes of the world in two different paradigms ..

The world is expecting peace....:) :) lets hope for it.....

Monday, May 2, 2011

The terrifying countdown starts...

The days have begun..Lost my sleep , not able to take my food, not able to go out happily...The days are becoming terrific and are like nightmare.So much to study ..So much to start..and so much to plan..Now feeling that horrifying effect of getting the important questions from staff.

Everyday getting up with great plans to execute and the day has its own plan to demolish my plan with its own reasons like health problems, guests arrival, need to accompany my mom for a chitchat and my tuffy to play and what not???!!!!

Sometimes we will feel that there is always an inner mind to tell you that "CONFIDENCE BOSS, CONFIDENCE!!!!" "You can rock even if you start from now on" ...There stands the block for our progress..(Remember !!! these are at the stage of planning).

The sole planning makes us tired that we will get into Google search engine for the methods of entertainment.Ahh..The days are rolling so fast that my  heartbeats are also reaching its peak everyday ...

But still the same mind tell us  that "You can" ....
So still hoping for the best....And expecting good  for all :)
"Let God save the Kings and Queens" :) :) :) 


Thursday, April 7, 2011


The latest news all around the country today is the tremendous and stupendous victory of India attaining its championship in the recent WORLD CUP 2011.Right from the day we tasted our victory we can see people speaking about the victory of world cup and praising the TEAM INDIA to the core which they actually deserve as they really strived hard for attaining this position. In no doubt that the players have to be rewarded tremendously for their stunning work.

The felicitation by our honorable president PRATIBA PATIL to our players was a historic mark in the Indian history. It became one of the memorable days of the government. 
But still the extravaganza spent for the team INDIA really should make people think about the Indian Economy.

The basic principle happening in the nation now is that “THE RICH BECOME RICHER AND THE POOR BECOME POORER”.

It is a very well known fact that team Indian players are no way less rewarded even if they lose a match. But rewarding the Indian team with a plot and some crores of rupee from various institutions like BCCI, respective state government ,sponsors and many more private companies..

Is  there any  player  without any house to live in, or a car to drive??? or any other assets??? People may argue that they are for encouragement for the players to do a better job the next time too…But things can be stopped by the extra reward from BCCI .Rather each player rewarded with crores from different state governments..Rather, this amount can be projected for some betterment of the economy of the nation.

REMEMBER STATE GOVTS!!!! : This is not the chance for proving your strength by rewarding the players excessively .Rather concentrate in eradicating poverty in your state which will take your government to great heights. INDIA IS STILL A DEVELOPING NATION..just because of these things…Wake up ..The WORLD BANK is still in strong contact with us through its DEBT documents…. !!!!!!!!!


Saturday, March 26, 2011


The mega tournament that made the people around the world to turn towards INDIA was the WORLD CUP 2011.Every league match was a funny one rather than a thrill filled match. It was a greatest tragicomedy to see our team struggling against the toughest teams like IRELAND, England etc.

The Men in blue led by the promising captain MS DHONI (unfortunately not recently...But still hoping for the better in the near future) were proud to win matches  with consistent performance of KOHLI ,yuvi and Sachin continuously until they met the powerful team of our group SOUTH AFRICA. It was a nail biting match unless the last over was handed over to the splendid bowler (!) Ashish Nehra whom the opponent team believe as a Saviour. Things turned upside down giving a great disappointment for Indians.

At last we entered the real tournament –A POWERFUL MATCH between INDIA AND AUSSIES…
Aussies known for their cricket came with a great blow…But still India under pressure to win the match the Indian tigers roared against aussies and won the match with great difficulty to give yet another mouth watering match for which the entire nation is awaiting for.. INDIA Vs PAKISTAN.Still it pains when LEE was injured heavily and PONTING lost his hope of winning cup under his captainship..

India's condition if it does not win against PAK.

The one fact to be noted that team INDIA is highly pressurized to win the match on 30th.The team had 2 options earlier....
1) To win against Pakistan  and enter into finals with great pride
2) To lose against Aussies and stay quiet.

Our team daringly chose the first option ,so no other go...WE NEED TO it is related to the PRIDE OF THE NATION.

It’s a welcoming fact that Our Prime Minister invited the Pakistan prime minister to sit back with a cool head and also to cover away his tension with the SCAMS and WIKILEAKS leak. It is completely in the hands of the Indian team neither to increase the tension nor to cool him.

Having great hopes on India that it will bag the cup…Especially great hopes on the outstanding batsman VIRAT KOHLI, and the savior of Indian team YUVARAJ SINGH and all other players under the captainship of MS DHONI will give out their best .Expecting a turning point in the UPCOMING MATCH ON 30TH MARCH…


Saturday, February 26, 2011



India, being a democratic nation gives so much of privilege for its citizens; we still have a few darker sides of the Indian judiciary system. The major draw back in the Indian judiciary is the successful task completion of the death sentences. It has more to do with the Indian economy.

Indian economy is much affected due by offering death sentences to criminals...Wondered??? There are many problems in completing a death sentence successfully. Today there are more than 50 cases in pending for death sentence. What are the problems that the Indian judiciary faces in completing the punishments successfully?

The Human Rights says that declaring death sentence for an individual as a criminal should be the “rarest among the rarest case”. But it really makes us to think what’s the problem in executing this rarest issue in the judiciary system. When its going to be the real rarest situation ,why should be an appeal for the judgment of death sentence ? And things proceed up-to filing a mercy petition to  the president of India which itself makes the fact pellucid that the judges at the lower hierarchy are not confident in their judgment.

The main problems  in executing a death sentence is
i)                    The jobs for execution of death sentence in India always remain vacant as no one volunteers for it (OOPS!!!Still unemployment prevails in India ……….)

ii)                  Special ropes are brought from foreign countries as they have special criteria of executing the punishment without the break of nervous system or bones of the criminal
iii)                More  money in crores are being spent in securing the criminals till the execution of punishments. (India still need to pay so much to the World bank…..)

Now the things discussed earlier clearly matches with KASAB,The  Only living soul of the terrorist,mainly a  Pakistani  who was responsible for the 26/11 attack in Mumbai where we lost the lives of several innocent lives.The judgement in his regard is a privilege for our judiciary system.But still the execution still remains a question mark ….
Where is the Indian Judiciary marching towards???The every minute pore in the laws and bills let the criminal rate to reach the peak…

In the 21st century, we are finding new ways to create life and prolong life. But we still can’t make up our minds about whether it is right, ethical or good to take someone’s life, even when it is dignified by a court of law

I leave it as an open question to all the readers..
" whether death penalty should come to an end in India  even after the KASAB verdict???""…Think…….

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Journey begins…


It’s generally believed that the four walls of a class room teach everything what a student requires in his or her life. But a student has a lot to learn once he or she steps out of the class room.

In the recent days, I felt to be always busy doing nothing... I had to work on many areas other than my academics...( QC PROJECT (the first victory of this year...Overall shield for the super seniour level) , DEPT SEMINAR, COLLEGE DAY, DEPT SYMPOSIUM, etc ) For the first time got into team work where I was able to bring my leadership quality.  I came to know how a person should manage when he /she is pressurized to complete works in time. At times I was forced to be aggressive towards my team members to formulate the work done. I was put in a situation where I need to take up an important decision which should be convincing to all.Ahh..To say it in brief my brain was made to grow….

But the scenario inside the classroom as a student is completely different. The highest decision I  make is to study for cycle test or not.(Obviously its no always!!! That’s a different issue…) Perhaps  As a student we gain knowledge on subjects that gives all of us a passport to the working scenario but what the contemporary society needs is different.

The pathetic thing today is that an electrical student knows the connections in the circuit but does not know to board a proper bus to reach home. There we stand as an individual in the society.

Sometimes being as a single child in family we would have been brought up in a very sophisticated way drawing down the curtains of the darkest side of life. When we are open to the elements of this darker side, though we have the right to choose the leaders of the nation, we tremble in taking up a right decision for the further proceeding in our own  life.

Then what has the 12 years of school life taught us?? Schools taught us how to get into a reputed college. Colleges teach us how to get into a reputed company. And the journey continues….

Learnt many skills all these days...And pains when we need to become a pupa after flying as a butterfly all these days….Hoping for the best…..Hoping for a change.....