Saturday, February 26, 2011



India, being a democratic nation gives so much of privilege for its citizens; we still have a few darker sides of the Indian judiciary system. The major draw back in the Indian judiciary is the successful task completion of the death sentences. It has more to do with the Indian economy.

Indian economy is much affected due by offering death sentences to criminals...Wondered??? There are many problems in completing a death sentence successfully. Today there are more than 50 cases in pending for death sentence. What are the problems that the Indian judiciary faces in completing the punishments successfully?

The Human Rights says that declaring death sentence for an individual as a criminal should be the “rarest among the rarest case”. But it really makes us to think what’s the problem in executing this rarest issue in the judiciary system. When its going to be the real rarest situation ,why should be an appeal for the judgment of death sentence ? And things proceed up-to filing a mercy petition to  the president of India which itself makes the fact pellucid that the judges at the lower hierarchy are not confident in their judgment.

The main problems  in executing a death sentence is
i)                    The jobs for execution of death sentence in India always remain vacant as no one volunteers for it (OOPS!!!Still unemployment prevails in India ……….)

ii)                  Special ropes are brought from foreign countries as they have special criteria of executing the punishment without the break of nervous system or bones of the criminal
iii)                More  money in crores are being spent in securing the criminals till the execution of punishments. (India still need to pay so much to the World bank…..)

Now the things discussed earlier clearly matches with KASAB,The  Only living soul of the terrorist,mainly a  Pakistani  who was responsible for the 26/11 attack in Mumbai where we lost the lives of several innocent lives.The judgement in his regard is a privilege for our judiciary system.But still the execution still remains a question mark ….
Where is the Indian Judiciary marching towards???The every minute pore in the laws and bills let the criminal rate to reach the peak…

In the 21st century, we are finding new ways to create life and prolong life. But we still can’t make up our minds about whether it is right, ethical or good to take someone’s life, even when it is dignified by a court of law

I leave it as an open question to all the readers..
" whether death penalty should come to an end in India  even after the KASAB verdict???""…Think…….


  1. My opinion is indian's are kind hearted so nobody is willing to give the death as the punishment for their mistakes but the major problem is that we easily forget our past and the problems and pain we have got......this was taken as advantages by some culprits to find the holes in our government to escape them......we can easily get the terrorists came from other place but its hard with the one who lives among us as a betrayer......

  2. A monster who massacred 150+ persons filed mercy petition against the verdict...who knows judgement may even go in his favour...!!!! If it happen we may even forget about these attacks and continue with our is because of some lawyers and politicians there are around 30 mercy petition cases which may take a decade or more to execute....
