Sunday, February 20, 2011


Journey begins…


It’s generally believed that the four walls of a class room teach everything what a student requires in his or her life. But a student has a lot to learn once he or she steps out of the class room.

In the recent days, I felt to be always busy doing nothing... I had to work on many areas other than my academics...( QC PROJECT (the first victory of this year...Overall shield for the super seniour level) , DEPT SEMINAR, COLLEGE DAY, DEPT SYMPOSIUM, etc ) For the first time got into team work where I was able to bring my leadership quality.  I came to know how a person should manage when he /she is pressurized to complete works in time. At times I was forced to be aggressive towards my team members to formulate the work done. I was put in a situation where I need to take up an important decision which should be convincing to all.Ahh..To say it in brief my brain was made to grow….

But the scenario inside the classroom as a student is completely different. The highest decision I  make is to study for cycle test or not.(Obviously its no always!!! That’s a different issue…) Perhaps  As a student we gain knowledge on subjects that gives all of us a passport to the working scenario but what the contemporary society needs is different.

The pathetic thing today is that an electrical student knows the connections in the circuit but does not know to board a proper bus to reach home. There we stand as an individual in the society.

Sometimes being as a single child in family we would have been brought up in a very sophisticated way drawing down the curtains of the darkest side of life. When we are open to the elements of this darker side, though we have the right to choose the leaders of the nation, we tremble in taking up a right decision for the further proceeding in our own  life.

Then what has the 12 years of school life taught us?? Schools taught us how to get into a reputed college. Colleges teach us how to get into a reputed company. And the journey continues….

Learnt many skills all these days...And pains when we need to become a pupa after flying as a butterfly all these days….Hoping for the best…..Hoping for a change.....

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