Friday, June 10, 2011


When you get up early in the morning and when  you search for your mobile for checking whether you have received any texts from your friend or to check whether you have missed any call from your close friend and when you find that your mobile is missing near your bed, sure it would turn up into a miserable day for many, to spend.. This is the present scenario about the small handy instrument which is ruling us to the core today.
It was earlier a myth that possessing mobile phone was considered to be a dignity and a sign of social status. But in this contemporary world it’s a known fact that the reach of mobile phones has reached its saturation.

It sometimes makes us laugh when people get up with mobile phones, walk with it , bath with it, eat with it, study with it and sleep with it. For many, the presence of mobile phone with them throughout the day makes them feel heavenly and comfortable.

I wonder how mobile phones are able to prove the proverb “PRACTICE MAKES MAN PERFECT” .Wondering how???? Continuous texting through mobile phones had made them well versed in texting without even seeing the keypad of the mobile.

Technology always initiates its inventions  to the human beings to satisfy their basic needs with some needed comforts .We get addicted to these technologies and when we face the ill effects of them, we blame the technology. I just wonder that how come people live with a lifeless instrument ???  

When we are able to accept the new invention from various scientists and researchers, why aren’t we able to accept the fact when same researchers say the ill effects of this technology?

Today having a personal mobile for oneself is considered to be a prestigious issue...Especially teens…Today’s youth are not enjoying their age to the maximum extent just because they started leading life with an instrument… Where are we heading to???

Its really a moronic blunder that we still blame the advent of new technologies…It lies in our hand to turn them out to be a greatest leap for the human society…

When we were slaves of British, we needed great patriotic leaders to save our nation..Do we need a GANDHI to free us from this technological slavery??? Isnt it shame on our side to go behind a lifeless instrument…????



  1. its really interesting i think u have seen many like that but looking for text in mob and having it all time doesnt mean that they have been slave to mob it may also be as they value more friends,friendship,value the text they would send and waiting fr a conversation to share with we use it mostly u cant confirm that we are slave to technology still we control it

  2. dei the whole article is about you only da.morning 3 varakum phone pesittu nee enna slave illanu solra??

  3. dai 3 varaikum nan pesunatha ne yepa da partha......adangu
