Saturday, November 20, 2010

SCAM!!!!!! SCAM!!!!!!!!! all over....

In one way the nation is united to the core. ….SCAMS…takes place irrespective of the fields…..irrespective of the political party…irrespective of the background of the person….irrespective of the caste, creed, and gender etc….wow!!!!!! All play an equal role for the contribution to various rip-offs of the nation.  

Today, it has been a trend in all news channels that they initiate with the scams and scandal news taking place in all fields of the nation recently. It is a disgrace and humiliation for a developing nation like us.
Scams in the telecom ministry- the 2G spectrum, scams in the army, scams in the state by the chief minister of karnataka , CWG scam and what not?......

The shocking and the worrying factor is that these people are not stopping with this. They give pressure on CBI, CAG the top detective agencies and are not allowing them to do their duty completely which force them to submit a wrong report in favor of the illegal person which adds on to the further shame for our nation. Even if these organizations give valuable reports they are ignored…forced of getting ignored and unnoticed!!!Further the power and influence that these people have, subsides the opportunity of punishing them by the higher officials of the nation.

THERE MUST BE NO MORE DELAY in punishing such illegal people of the nation. Mistakes can be reduced only when laws and punishments become severe. This shows that we have followed a wrong administrative system all these 60 years…… (We are taken aback …….)
 It is a technique of cheating the people and the media by just submitting the resignation letter to the prime minister of the nation. Just by resigning, the losses of 1.76 crores are not going to be settled back!!!!!! Taken is taken forever.

These ministers are sent as the representatives of the nation ,to the parliament for the welfare of the people ,whereas they ensure that they earn money illegally for their next two generations….IT IS A SHAME FOR ALL THE CITIZENS OF THE NATION …IT’S A SHAME TO EVERY ONE OF US BECAUSE WE WERE THE ONE WHO NOMINATED THEM..

Note: Didn’t these incidents make us smile sarcastically when we recall the words of AMERICAN PRESIDENT at our parliament recently? He quoted as “ India is a democratic country which is known for its administration , and its election where every move is transparent and people select their leaders correctly . And so India is a well developed country ….”
The nation is developed in all categories...of course in the field of scams too…….Wake up people!!!!!!

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