Tuesday, May 3, 2011


The newspapers are firing..The breaking news are flashing in all news channels ....Our ears are hearing just "OBAMA " and " OSAMA" everywhere....The ten years man hunt came to an end..The diary of terrorism had rested in peace with the blood of this 6 feet tall man.The hero of terrorism was brought to an end by the real time hero OBAMA...

The president is the world's best secret keeper as  he maintained the secret for 72 hrs about the secret operation. The operation was planned so skillfully that no one else expected this to happen. 

The 3 storied building which cost about crores had a different plan inside. No connection with the outside world and a few windows threw a spot light on the suspect ion of the Americans. The thrill behind this manhunt was like reading a crime story. Every communication was through only courier. The arrival of so many courier brought curiosity for the soldiers that this house alone receives so many courier everyday!!!. The wall were too tall that even if Osama wanders outside the building he won’t be visible to the outside world. The building was protected with electric cables all around.

The dead body of Osama has thrown into the sea as no nation was ready to accept his body and moreover America itself didn’t want that to do.

Now the question in the entire world's mind is that "who is gonna be the next leader?? Will he be able to be as bravos as laden???" 

But its a clear fact that it will take so many years to bring out a strong man like Osama into the world. But with this one cannot be peaceful that the world is safe..In the meanwhile the Taliban have threatened that they would do a tit for tat act for USA as well as Pakistan within 3 months....!!!!!!!!
America took 10 years to hunt just a single person. In this view Osama though being a terrorist, he had his own history that the world is speaking about..An OXFORD UNIVERSITY graduate turned into the news of the world today. He was the hero of  terrorism...!!!!!!! 

Obama existing as a real time hero did a great work what the other presidents couldn't do.In that angle, OBAMA  AND HIS AMERICAN SOLDIER CREW are  the real heroes of the world for every individual..Its sure that they will catch the important pages of the world history. They are the ROCKSTARS...

Critically examining ,  OBAMA AND OSAMA are the heroes of the world in two different paradigms ..

The world is expecting peace....:) :) lets hope for it.....

Monday, May 2, 2011

The terrifying countdown starts...

The days have begun..Lost my sleep , not able to take my food, not able to go out happily...The days are becoming terrific and are like nightmare.So much to study ..So much to start..and so much to plan..Now feeling that horrifying effect of getting the important questions from staff.

Everyday getting up with great plans to execute and the day has its own plan to demolish my plan with its own reasons like health problems, guests arrival, need to accompany my mom for a chitchat and my tuffy to play and what not???!!!!

Sometimes we will feel that there is always an inner mind to tell you that "CONFIDENCE BOSS, CONFIDENCE!!!!" "You can rock even if you start from now on" ...There stands the block for our progress..(Remember !!! these are at the stage of planning).

The sole planning makes us tired that we will get into Google search engine for the methods of entertainment.Ahh..The days are rolling so fast that my  heartbeats are also reaching its peak everyday ...

But still the same mind tell us  that "You can" ....
So still hoping for the best....And expecting good  for all :)
"Let God save the Kings and Queens" :) :) :)